Faut-il utiliser des embauchoirs pour ses chaussures ?

Should you use shoe trees for your shoes?

Let's not beat around the bush. The answer is YES.

And that's why we offer them to you in store.

Shoe trees are pieces of wood that are placed inside shoes to absorb moisture and help maintain their original shape. They are useful for shoes that you have just worn, as well as for storing shoes until you have another opportunity to wear them.

Always prefer a model made of raw wood, which will have better absorbent properties.

How to use them?

To slide your shoe trees into your shoes without damaging the leather, you must push the front part of the shoe tree into your shoe, without forcing.

Then apply pressure to the spring on the front and back of the shoe tree to push the shoe tree down and seat it at the bottom of the heel.

To remove the shoe tree from your shoes, gently push on the heel to exert a little pressure on the spring and thus slide the shoe tree out of your shoe.

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